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2024-2025 Madrichim Registration

Madrichim Application 2024-2025

Program Commitments:

  • Work with students during Religious School on Sundays from 9:15 am – Noon
  • Attend “training sessions” led by Rabbi Amy and Morah Merril on selected Sundays (snacks and socializing included:)
  • Plan fun icebreakers and games
  • Must be entering grades 8 through 12 in the 2024-25 school year
  • Compensation: $20/ Sunday, community service hours, or a combination of the two.  For those entering 8th grade, community service only.

There are a limited number of available positions, so please apply early!

Questions or to Apply: Contact our Madrichim Coordinator, Merril Nash (Morah Merril) at or at 412-370-9451

 If you are applying for this position for the first time,  Morah Merril will contact you to schedule a brief zoom interview with her and Rabbi Amy.

Applicant's Information
Note: 8th graders receive community service hours but not payment.
Note: 8th graders receive community service hours but not payment.
Please list any other hobbies/interests
Emergency Contacts
Emergency Contact other than Parent #1
(e.g. Parent, Guardian, Grandparent, Neighbor)

Parental Consent for Child to Participate in Physical Activities

I, as a parent or legal guardian, give my permission for my child/children listed in this registration form to participate in any activities both on and off the grounds of Beth El Congregation for class and/or activities as part of the Spiegel Religious School. Activities may include, but are not limited to: Gaga, Relay Races, Cooking and field trips. I do not/will not hold Beth El Congregation, its faculty, administrative personnel, employees, or other personnel working for or with Beth El Congregation and/or the Spiegel Religious School responsible for any injury that may occur to my child/children.
(Please enter your initials or name in the box below to indicate you are giving permission as stated above).
Insert your initials or full name

Student Consent to Participate in Physical Activities

I, the student, agree to participate in any activities both on and off the grounds of Beth El Congregation for class and/or activities as part of the Spiegel Religious School. Activities may include, but are not limited to: Gaga, Relay Races, Cooking and field trips. I do not/will not hold Beth El Congregation, its faculty, administrative personnel, employees, or other personnel working for or with Beth El Congregation and/or the Spiegel Religious School responsible for any injury that may occur to my child/children.
(Please enter your initials or name in the box below to indicate you are agreeing as stated above).
Insert your initials or full name

Student Agreement

I understand that I am making a commitment to do my very best to work with the religious school during the 2024-2025 school year and that the school will be depending on me to be there. I will be assisting teachers who rely on my support to run a successful and joyful educational program. If I miss more than 20% of the sessions to which I have committed, I understand that I may be asked to switch to volunteer status instead of being paid for my time in order to make room for another student who is able to commit to the program.
(Please enter your initials or name in the box below to indicate you agree to the terms stated above).
Insert your initials or full name

Parental/Guardian's Consent

I understand that my child is making a commitment to do their very best to work with the religious school during the 2024-2025 school year and that the school will be depending on him/her to be there. S/he will be assisting teachers who rely on her/his support to run a successful and joyful educational program. If s/he misses more than 20% of the sessions to which s/he has committed, I understand that s/he may be asked to switch to volunteer status instead of being paid for his/her time in order to make room for another student who is able to commit to the program.
(Please enter your initials or name, email, and phone # in the boxes below to indicate you are giving permission as stated above).
Insert your initials or full name

Parental Permission for Pictures

I, as a parent or legal guardian of my child/children listed in this registration form, give my permission for Beth El Congregation and/or Spiegel Religious School to include the photo, likeness, video, and/or audio of my child/children listed in this registration form in any/all of the following media/formats: 1) The Beth El website; 2) Email Blasts/Updates; 3) The Kol Newsletter; and 4) The Jewish Chronicle
(Please enter your initials or name in the box below to indicate you are giving permission as stated above).
Insert your initials or full name

Student Permission for Pictures

I give my permission for Beth El Congregation and/or Spiegel Religious School to include the photo, likeness, video, and/or audio of me in any/all of the following media/formats: 1) The Beth El website; 2) Email Blasts/Updates; 3) The Kol Newsletter; and 4) The Jewish Chronicle
(Please enter your initials or name in the box below to indicate you are giving permission as stated above).
Insert your initials or full name
Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785