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Rabbi Alex's Archive

Helpful resources for Jewish learners.

Most of the blessings below include Hebrew, English, and a transliteration of Hebrew for those who do not read Hebrew but would like to learn or recite the prayer in Hebrew.  Several of the blessings have an accompanying audio file . If you need any additional items that do not appear here, please contact Rabbi Alex.

The Aliyah:  (written copy of prayers)  (audio file
Parental Blessing
Shehechiyanu:  (written copy of prayer, p. 712)  (audio file)

Jewish Living Will

Shacharit (written copy of prayers)  (audio files – see Shacharit section) 
Mincha and Maariv

Judaism Basics

Judaism 101 Syllabus
Judaism 101 Questions
Conversion Blessings ( and accompanying audio file )
Judaism’s 613 Commandments


Chanukah Candle lighting (audio file
Passover: Four Questions (audio file


Wedding Procession Front
Wedding Procession Rear
Wedding Checklist
Wedding Programs
Seven Wedding Blessings (audio file
Ketubot (2 examples of Ketubot in Hebrew, 1 example in English)



Audio Archive


The Future of the Conservative Movement

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785