Beth El Sisterhood is a multi-generational and diverse group of women, actively involved in social, charitable and educational events. Our programs are designed to enhance personal growth, Jewish involvement and a feeling of community.
To join Sisterhood, email Karla Perelstine and Terri Sweet.
We are a member of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism [WLCJ], which helps support the Jewish Theological Seminary, and strengthens women’s groups. Our membership fee of $45 is two-fold: (1) supports projects and programs, and (2) includes a specified fee required by the WLCJ. For new Beth El members who choose to join Sisterhood, the first year membership is complimentary. If there is a financial hardship, we do not consider this an obstacle to membership, and the Membership Chair or Co-Presidents should be notified; information is held in strictest confidence.
To accommodate the balance of work schedules and family obligations, our programs take place at different days and times.
Our Programs include:
Cooking Events
Social Events
Educational programs including health and wellness
Rosh Hodesh Programs
Sisterhood Shabbat
High Holiday Babysitting
Joint Programs with Men’s Club
We invite you to join our Sisterhood and look forward to meeting you. Following the fall holidays, don’t forget our annual, fun, paid-up membership program. Our upcoming events are listed online, as well as in weekly Friday Updates via email and in the Kol (our bi-monthly newsletter).
For a list of officers and position, as well as vacant positions, please see the Sisterhood Membership Board. If you have any questions about joining Sisterhood, please email Karla Perelstine and Terri Sweet.